The Spiral Sessions with Paige Appel
The Spiral Sessions with Paige Appel
The Spiral Sessions are a time of intuitive and practical spiritual-psychological counseling, for both individuals and couples. These sessions are an engagement of inquiry and dialogue to reflect and co-regulate, to learn how to move through the world with less resistance, to understand your internal patterns, to deepen your roots and allow your soul’s innate evolution to expand with Riverbank founder and guide, Paige Appel.
Set up a 15 minute inquiry call with Paige to learn if an individual or a couples Spiral Session is what you're looking for. Schedule here.
Or simply email me to schedule a session:
Ethos: The Spiral of Life is a potent symbol for the physical, mental, and spiritual development of a human life winding its way through the rotating seasons of its years. I will offer tools for the process of embodying your full human experience as a catalyst for your soul’s evolution. In these sessions, I help bring shape to the human being as a spiritual being, guiding you towards the innermost soul whispers as well as the discomforts of your predicaments. Together we will find supportive pathways to bring more agency to your life, embodying your greatest gifts and joys. I will also help illuminate and dismantle the esoteric nature of spiritual and wellness practices.
These sessions are intuitive and structured around what arises within you. You set the terms. To speak practically, if you are looking for counseling, communication tools for your relationships, rituals for your spiritual practice, reflection on and for your career, guidance on trauma healing or feeling lost, it's all available to engage in. I'll often recommend books, meditations, other practitioners, healing modalities, and supportive inquiries that will be additive for your process. These times together are a landing pad to excavate the interior spiral of all that is held within you.
The space is held with confidentiality, non-judgment, curiosity, intuition, and allowance. You will connect more deeply to your higher knowing - bringing intention, robust honesty, more internal spaciousness, and better quality to all that you engage with and in.
Spiral Sessions are 60 and 45 minutes long. If we need a longer session, we can add on 75 minutes.
1:1 60 minute sessions are $200
75 minute session is $250
3 Sessions are $550
5 Sessions are $925
60 minute Couples sessions are: $250
45 minute sessions are $150
I recommend we start with 3 sessions to begin to unravel the presenting spiral that wants to open up. These meetings can be weekly or bi-weekly. Once you have established momentum within the work, we can shift to 45 minute check-ins for $150 with a few 1 hour sessions added in for bigger soul excavations and new expressions of your own dharma. Our work can evolve at a pace that feels supportive to your process.
Paige has a degree in Communications and Psychology as well as 15+ years of spiritual and wellness education from various teachers and courses. A group circle facilitator for adults and kids, Paige utilizes Non-Violent Communication and intuitive energy guidance as guideposts for counseling and coaching. Paige believes we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. All lineages and religions/non-religious beliefs are welcome.
Email me to schedule a session: